Saturday, October 25, 2008

Unit 9 - XML

It took to about the third reading for it to sink in that XML does not replace HTML. What I don't understand is why XML is necessary, if HTML functioned before XML existed.

XML is a way to structure documents for the Internet so that they remain in the same structure as they were created. XML defines the elements, attributes, and child elements. The three type of markups of XML documents are processing instructions, Document type definition, and consists of a root element name that matches the DTD. DTD is not a well liked markup; people prefer XML Schema, DDML, or SOX.

The great thing about XML is that it can cross platforms, which is great. But beyond that, I can not keep track of all the different parts of XMLand keep element and attribute separate.

I am drowning in the sea of XML.

This week I commented on

1 comment:

Jonah said...

It is my understanding that xml is more about maintaining the data structure across platforms, that's it really. It is a one stoplight town, so to speak.