Muddiest Point 14 When documents are encrypted, does the computer the document is sent to know how to decrypt the document? Must the code be sent separately?
Muddiest Point 13 Do companies that sell your information to the government have to inform you of this beforehand like they are suppose to when they sell it to other companies? Muddiest Point 12 Does anyone have access to library social tagging? Why is "spagging" a concern?
Muddiest Point 10 I have two muddiest points. Does the use of metadata help with "Bag of Words" retrieval? And are there any Web search engines that allow for 'advanced' searches?
Muddiest Point 8 You lost me at CSS. Do style sheets integrate with the rest of the document or are they inserted at the beginning?
Muddiest Point 7 I'm confused as to how FTP and SSH et. al. relate to the rest of the web. Can anyone use them? What would they be used for? If someone was to receive these files, would they be able to open them as they would any file?
Muddiest Point 6 What is the potential danger of RFID and personal information? I don't really understand how people can get your personal information from a book you check out.
Muddiest Point 5 How does the table structure work? What happens if data is not unique?
Muddiest Point 4 I found the "locking" aspect described in the Wikipedia article on databases very confusing. I had a hard time conceptualizing what this meant and its importance.
Muddiest Point 3 What are the differences in programming languages? And can someone explain binary representation in a little more detail to me? For example what would and orange letter "A" look like in binary code? Does it work like that?
Muddiest Point 2 Where do transistors fit into the hadware of the computer? Are they part of the motherboard, the RAM, or the CPU? Is the motherboard the same as an integrated circut?
Muddiest Point 1 Where is the line between entertainment use of library services and informational? With the use of social networking tools, blogs for news, and PDAs to get movie times, is there a definate line now between information and entertainment?
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