Friday, September 5, 2008

Assignment 3

The world of computer programming is immense and overwhelming.
I appreciated the readings for this week because I have only worked with Windows operating systems and have been unsure about the other OS available. I have a high respect for Linux, especially because it is mostly free and enhanced by a large contingent of people, but feel my personal understanding of computer programming would not be sufficient to functionally use it. The amount of options that are available from Linux is impressive and daunting. Again, for someone who is not a computer tech, finding the right components of from Linux that would best fit my needs seems as if it would be difficult and confusing.

Learning about Mac OS X was enlightening as well. Although the article was way above my understanding, I was able to gather that the Mac operating system does have many benefits and has made great strides to meet the needs of its users. A component of the OS that stuck out was the preemptive multitasking which allows several applications to run at the same time without interfering with one another. The capability would be very useful when working with several programs at the same time. I often experience a delay or malfunction with my system if I am waiting for one program to respond and am working with a separate program.

Although I did not understand most of what I read, the repetition of terminology at least helped me become more familiar with some aspects of computer programming that seem to be fundamental, not matter the OS.

I responded to Maggie's Blog and "Road? Where we're going... we won't need a road." See Blog list