Friday, August 29, 2008

Assignment 2

The way in which a computer functions is amazing. The different components themselves seem simple enough. The motherboard is the piece of hardware through which all other hardware functions. The Central processing unit causes the different software of the computer to run and interact with one another. And so on. What is amazing is how all of these components fit together to create a machine capable of doing so much and so quickly.

I found it interesting that Moore's law would eventually cease to exist at least in the current direction of technology of smaller and smaller devices. This law has been incredibly influential or at least accurate in its predictions. It was interesting that it was stated on the Wikipedia that the fact that Moore's law has continued to be true is because that is what the computer industry has strives towards. I wonder if this means more could be achieved at lower prices if Moore's law didn't set the every two years doubling concept.

I found the visual timeline from the Computer History Museum to be vary helpful in conceptualizing this doubling of transistors and what that meant in the actual sense and to see the number of experiments and researchers it took to get to the point we are at now.

For assignment 2 I made comments on Oliver's and Connie's Blog. See blog list

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Assignment 1

The impact of technology on libraries has been great. The fact that libraries are taking the initiative to try to embrace the trends in society, i.e. the increased use of cell phone and mobile devices, shows the field is aware and active in the current movement and will not be left behind. Libraries provide a great service to communities by making what could be unavailable links to content possible.

The amount of behind the scene work that goes into creating a vital digital library is overwhelming, not to mention the amount of money that is needed. And the continual training and upkeep of systems and equipment along with the costs of databases and software seems beyond my comprehension.

In spite of the great lengths librarians have gone to, libraries seem to continue to be last resorts for people in their information searches. I am curious if the changes libraries have made have affected library user-ship. Is user-ship or down from pre-technology times? The vision of the library as a community center is exciting to me, but how will it get there?